Clancy Harrison speaker, podcast, keynote speaker, TEDx speaker

The Food Dignity® blog is a place for conversations about food access and discussions of food equity and food justice.

This is not a place to label foods or eating habits as “good” or “bad.” Instead, we want to address more substantive issues, such as the disparity between the amount of food we produce in America and the number of our country’s citizens who still go hungry every week. Our goal is to erase the stigma around food insecurity once and for all.

Recent Blogs

Lesson 21: Multisourcing Food

October 17, 2023

Putting together meals is more challenging than ever. Even the most basic of groceries like eggs are increasingly expensive....


Lesson 20: People Don’t Like Fruits and Vegetables

August 28, 2023

It’s critical, however, that we understand the why behind the data. Data without context is meaningless....


Lesson 19: Chicken Feet Bring Equity Into Our Food Access System

August 23, 2023

In this writeup, you’ll see how personal bias, social inequities, and racism undermine health and create challenges to achieving equity...
